STOP EATING SUGAR and LOSE WEIGHT In Just 30 Mins A Day WITHOUT Failing YET Another Diet (or Having To Use Willpower)!
Top “Sugar Mindset” Expert Reveals How!
From the Desk of: James M Vera
Re: How To Stop Cravings For Unhealthy Foods

Dear Friend,

Does this sound like you?

Perhaps, you're a middle-aged working mom who dreams of becoming healthier, slimmer and more active so you can feel more like that ‘old you’…

Yet maybe you’ve gained a few pounds (or more than a few pounds) because let’s be honest, you’re busy running around doing everything for everyone else and sometimes you just need a quick “pick me up” or boost of energy… right?

And even though you do this you are deep down focused on losing weight so you can look good and feel healthy.

So, let me ask you a question...
Would you be ecstatic if you could stop cravings for sugary sweet unhealthy foods, see weight melting off, AND stop over-eating?
Because if you could do those things, ultimately, that would mean you could stop yo-yo dieting and just have a healthy relationship with food! (Which would be amazing!)

Unfortunately, having helped many people like you, I also suspect there are some roadblocks for you... including figuring out how to:
Stop Craving Sugar and Carbs WITHOUT needing to rely on WILLPOWER
Motivate yourself despite the fact it feels you've tried EVERYTHING & NOTHING worked
Kick-start your metabolism to melt off any extra weight.
Sound familiar?
Oh... and another thing...

Are you also really frustrated by the fact that you’ve tried EVERY weight loss method previously YET still crave sugar and carbs? AND despite your previous weight loss efforts you still can’t buy the clothing you really want?

Maybe it’s even simpler. Maybe you really do want to be more active but can't, due to excess weight or joint pain?

Plus, do you constantly ask yourself these questions about how to move forward?

  • How can I stop craving sugar and carbs?
  • ​How could I make healthy eating automatic so I can do it without even thinking about it?
  • ​How can I make food less important?
One last question...
Do you ever find yourself thinking "I can't do it... I've already failed too many times." or "Sugar is addictive... it calls out to me!" or “how will I enjoy life or social situations if I’m depriving myself of certain foods that I enjoy“?
I know I used to think all these things!

And finally, to make matters even worse, sometimes (no matter what you do) it just plain feels like sugar has some power over you… like it’s actively going out of it’s way to sabotage you of achieving your goals of looking good and feeling healthy.
Well let me tell you something. I know exactly how you feel because I've been there myself... more than once!
You really just want to...
  • Stop Dieting
  • Feel Great
  • Move With Ease
  • ​Wear all those clothes you want AND...
SURELY that's not too much to ask?!
If this sounds at all like you and your situation, then I'd like to invite you to check out...
My "NO MORE SUGAR” Powerful Hypnotic Program
This “NO MORE SUGAR” Powerful hypnotic audio program makes it easy for you to AUTOMATICALLY make better food choices WITHOUT sugar getting in the way AND doesn’t rely on you JUST having to use willpower!
IMAGINE THAT… having a way to reprogram your mind so that you just didn’t need willpower to change your relationship with food.
IMAGINE what it will be like NOT to need Willpower?

Think of it like this...
How much willpower do you need NOT to eat a candy bar that’s half eaten and been coughed over and is sitting in the trash?

None! Right? You just don’t want it? No Willpower needed. There would be just no desire for it.

Why… because you are imagining it differently now.
What if we could harness this power of imagination and program your mind to unconsciously operate from this place?

You’re seriously gonna LOVE this!
This program is going to…
  • Change Your Mindset So You Effortlessly Avoid Sugar, Sweets, Candy, Chocolates Etc.
  • Get Pounds Melting Off You
  • Help you escape the "Internal Battle Of Sugar Addiction" WITHOUT needing Willpower.
  • STOP you worrying About A Future Of Diabetes Or Obesity.
ULTIMATELY this is going to help You Stop Eating Sugar Once And For All

How does this program work?

This hypnotic program works by layering in unconscious messages which makes it a breeze to develop a healthy relationship with food, no matter what your previous experience... AUTOMATICALLY.
Can you imagine losing weight AND stopping sugar calling out to you?

Can you imagine friends and family watching you transform exclaiming, "HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT?"

So I know this all sounds like a tall promise, and therefore, at this point, you might be asking...
Who Is James M Vera And
Why Should I Listen To Him?

I'm an expert in helping individuals automatically make better
food choices without sugar getting in the way.

I’m a Board Certified Hypnotist, Member of the ICBCH (The International Certification Board of Coaches and Hypnotists), and additionally I’ve been a Certified Respiratory Therapist since 1993, which means I’ve also seen the clinical impact of what happens when people don’t take care of themselves.

So if you are trying to stop cravings for unhealthy foods, and want to see weight melting off (so you can feel great again) then I can definitely help you.

As a leader in the field of helping people give up sugar for good I've helped literally 100s of people change their mindset and relationship with food.

In fact, Dr. Joe Vitale, (author of the Attractor Factor who starred in the movie "The Secret”) writes about my latest book "HYPNOKETOSIS..."
"At last! A true breakthrough in weight loss. The brilliant combination of two fields - ketosis and hypnosis - brings us all a cool new way to release excess weight. An outstanding book!"
- Dr. Joe Vitale
As well as being the author of “HYPNOKETOSIS: Eat the Foods You Love and Lose Weight While You Sleep” and being one of America’s Leading Inspirational Hypnotists, I have also spent over 20 years seeing clients just like you for one on one sessions.

Additionally, I have also been an inspirational keynote speaker for all types of groups and organizations.

I’m passionate about helping as many people as I can make positive mental shifts and live the life they deserve.

I help people with a compassionate, positive, uplifting and an energetic approach. AND I incorporate sensitivity and humor in just the right way so you leave feeling more calm and relaxed than you have ever thought possible.
AND YES... while I have helped 100s of others I ALSO changed my own relationship with food and sugar LOSING 41 lbs AND keeping if off!
What this means is...
I will help you stop cravings for unhealthy foods, so you see the weight melting off, and... FEEL FREE AGAIN.
But Don't Just Take My Word For It...
What are people, like you, saying about James?
Let’s break it all down...
Here's Exactly What You're Going To Get With The "NO MORE SUGAR" Powerful Hypnotic Audio Program


This audio program is the secret for you to program your mind hypnotically to achieve your goals, avoid 'sugar and carbs' with ease AND eliminate cravings. You're going to find it easy to lose weight and reconnect with your inner confidence.


This audio program is the secret for you to program your mind hypnotically to achieve your goals, avoid 'sugar and carbs' with ease AND eliminate cravings. You're going to find it easy to lose weight and reconnect with your inner confidence.


This downloadable EBOOK, "HYPNOKETOSIS: Eat the foods you love and lose weight while you sleep", holds the key for you to navigate your journey to become the shape and size you want. It will help you to reinforce all the positive effects of the NO MORE SUGAR audio programme and automatically make the correct food choices so you can live your best life.


This downloadable EBOOK, "HYPNOKETOSIS: Eat the foods you love and lose weight while you sleep", holds the key for you to navigate your journey to become the shape and size you want. It will help you to reinforce all the positive effects of the NO MORE SUGAR audio programme and automatically make the correct food choices so you can live your best life.
That's a TOTAL VALUE of $284.95!
BUT TODAY, you're getting all of this for...
ONLY $27
AND You'll ALSO Get...


This hypnotic audio program contains the secret for you to relax easily, reduce stress and relax more. Support your positive changes by teaching your body AND MIND the skill of profound relaxation.


This hypnotic audio program contains the secret for you to relax easily, reduce stress and relax more. Support your positive changes by teaching your body AND MIND the skill of profound relaxation.


This hypnotic audio program makes it even easier to lose weight. Imagine hypnotically accelerating your metabolism to help your body return to the weight it should be... with ease.


This hypnotic audio program makes it even easier to lose weight. Imagine hypnotically accelerating your metabolism to help your body return to the weight it should be... with ease.
THAT'S $90 worth of extras just thrown in!
And of course you're fully protected with our...
If the "NO MORE SUGAR" powerful hypnotic program doesn't show you exactly how to stop craving unhealthy foods, pave the way for you to stop yo-yo dieting, fails to help you automatically make better food choices without sugar getting in the way AND without JUST having to use willpower... then I don't want your money!

We will give it all back - no questions asked - no hard feelings!
If the "NO MORE SUGAR" powerful hypnotic program doesn't show you exactly how to stop craving unhealthy foods, pave the way for you to stop yo-yo dieting, fails to help you automatically make better food choices without sugar getting in the way AND without JUST having to use willpower... then I don't want your money!

We will give it all back - no questions asked - no hard feelings!
This is your chance to...
Stop Dieting And Feel Great In 30 Minutes A Day - Or Your Money Back!
Let me take you by the hand and make it easy for you to...
  • Stop Yo-Yo Dieting
  • Have An Automatically Healthy Relationship With Food
  • Stop Cravings For Unhealthy Foods
  • ​See The Weight Melt Off
  • ​Stop Over-Eating
  • ​Stop Craving Sugar & Carbs
  • ​Finally Stop Dieting & Feel Great
  • Automatically Make Better Food Choices Without Sugar Getting In The Way
  • ​Do it all WITHOUT having to use WILLPOWER!
  • Stop Yo-Yo Dieting
  • Have An Automatically Healthy Relationship With Food
  • Stop Cravings For Unhealthy Foods
  • ​See The Weight Melt Off
  • ​Stop Over-Eating
  • ​Stop Craving Sugar & Carbs
  • ​Finally Stop Dieting & Feel Great
  • Automatically Make Better Food Choices Without Sugar Getting In The Way
  • ​Do it all WITHOUT having to use WILLPOWER!

Here’s Everything You’re Getting TODAY for Your
$27 Investment:

  • "NO MORE SUGAR" - Hypnotic Program ($275 Value)
  • ​EBOOK - HYPNOKETOSIS: Eat the foods you love and lose weight while you sleep ($9.95 Value)
  • ​BONUS #2 - WEIGHT LOSS HYPNOSIS ($45 Value)
Register now and you'll be on your way to accessing the powerful hypnotic audio program and incredible bonuses within just a few minutes… AND you'll be on your way to automatically make better food choices WITHOUT sugar getting in the way, in as little as 30 minutes a day!

To your success,
Register now and you'll be on your way to accessing the powerful hypnotic audio program and incredible bonuses within just a few minutes… AND you'll be on your way to automatically make better food choices WITHOUT sugar getting in the way, in as little as 30 minutes a day!

To your success,
James M Vera
James M Vera
P.S. If you want to give up sugar for good without having to battle cravings, help you master your thinking so you can stay sugar free with ease, AND lose weight without sugar (and carbs) calling out to you.... then NO MORE SUGAR is definitely for you.

This NO MORE SUGAR bundle is worth MORE than $375. This special price of $27 is a "Buy it NOW before it's gone" offer... so act fast!

P.P.S. Let's be blunt: If you pass on this offer, will you stop craving sugar and carbs or not? Probably not!

Face it. Most of what you need is instruction and encouragement from someone who's 'been there and done that' and helped 100s if not 1000s of others when it comes to losing weight. Get this powerful hypnotic audio program NOW and you too can automatically make better food choices without sugar getting in the way, in as little as 30 minutes a day!

NO MORE SUGAR is your key to stop yo-yo dieting, stop cravings for unhealthy foods, stop craving sugar and carbs, stop dieting and feel great.... without having to worry about future diabetes or obesity.
Act Now! Buy Now! Your Satisfaction is guaranteed.
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